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 Quizthon 2023-24

Quiz improves or expands one’s knowledge of things. They are designed to promote a fun way to study and enables the students to think from angles of simply to think out of the box. Quiz promotes a healthy debate amongst participants in order to learn from each other and builds soft skills among the students.

VSGI jointly with VSPS (KIADB Branch], VSPS [VJN] and VSPU organised “District Level Interschool Quizathon” Competition on Dec 9th 2023 in school premises, conducted by Mr. VinayMudaliar, a well renowned Quiz master in nationally and internationally as well. He has conducted over 2500 + Quizzes spread across 75+ cities in all zones of India and abroad reaching lakhs of students. The programme was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by our Executive Director Mr. Pavan Manjegowda sir, Mrs. Vinay Mudaliar, Mrs. Padmashree Ma’am, Principal VSPS Bengluru, Mr. Vani Satish Principal VS PU, Mr. Paramesh Halgere,Principal, VSPS (VJN Branch), Mrs. Mamatha M J Principal KIADB-VSPS.

The Principal of VSPS KIADB welcomed the gathering. Executive Director and Quiz Master motivated and encouraged the students to participate actively.

The Competition had questions on topics such as current affairs, sports, business, technology, art, history, geography etc. Nearly 16 top reputed schools of Hassan participated.The competition began with preliminary round which consisted multiple choice questions and 12 top scored teams entered the final round in Junior and Senior categories. Finally, in team play VSPS VJN Branch bagged the winner up trophy and won the cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- and VSPS KIADB branch emerged as runner up and won the cash prize of Rs. 5000/- in Junior category. 

VSPS KIADB Branch bagged both Winner up and runner up trophies in the senior categories and won the cash prize of Rs.10000 and Rs. 5000 respectively.

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