Republic Day 2023-24

On the fateful morning of 26 Jan, VSPS, KIADB Hassan celebrated 75th Republic day in the school premises .It was a great pride for all of us because on 26th Jan-1950 ,the Constitution of India came into force and our country, India became Republic.The celebration took place with zeal and patriotism.

The Chief Guest for the event, Dr.Rangegowda , Principal of Vidya Soudha Management Sciences Hassan along with Principal of VSPS ,KIADB, Mrs.Mamatha Natesh and teachers unfurled the National flag and the school very melodiously sang the National Anthem with great pride .

Principal Mrs.Mamatha Natesh then delivered an inspiring speech, emphasizing the significance of the day and the value enshrined in our constitution. A series of cultural programs were organized to showcase the rich cultural heritage of our diverse nation. Students from different classes participated in various activities, including patriotic songs ,dances and skits.

The performances were a testament to the talent and creativity of our students and they beautifully depicted the spirit of unity in diversity that defines our great nation. The highlight of the celebration was a parade led by the school band. The rhythmic beats of the band created an aura of patriotism, filling the air with a sense of National pride.

After all the delightful performances, the honorable Chief Guest Dr.RangeGowda ,Principal, Vidya Soudha College of Management Sciences, delivered an uplifting speech which encouraged and motivated the students on how we can contribute to the betterment of society. He not only spoke of the struggles of our countrymen for attaining Republic but also to preserve and respect the fundamental principles and duties of constitution today and always . Lastly, words of appreciation and vote of thanks was delivered by student Head Girl, Nischitha . The celebration was concluded with high spirits and bliss.

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