For Admissions: 88808 64000

Science Expo 2022

Science is a way of thinking much more than it is a body of knowledge.

The Science of today is the technology of tomorrow.

It’s the motto of the school to develop scientific temper among the students and to inculcate the habit of scientific innovation. Under the able guidance of honourable principal, Vidya Soudha Public School had organised an excellent event in the campus- ‘Science Expo’, which motivated students to come up with creative ideas to exhibit their talents that included various activities like – Working Models, Chart Presentation, etc….It was  really a superb exposure for students as well as teachers to work together. Parents of the school were mesmerised to look at their wards performing the activities. Overall it was an efficient gathering of sprouting intellectuals to open up their imagination to bear good fruits in the field of Scientific Innovations.

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