


Our Curriculum provides a stress-face learning process and environment which develop competent, Confident and enterprising citizens which empowers them to become global leaders in the emerging knowledge society.

Classes:Eligibility (Age Criteria)
Preparatory – Pre-Preparatory3+ years as on 1st June of the academic year
Preparatory Level 14+ years as on 1st June of the academic year
Preparatory Level 25+ years as on 1st June of the academic year
Lower Primary- Grade 16+ years as on 1st June of the academic year


Pre-preparatory9 am to 1:30 pmMonday to Friday
Preparatory 19 am to 1:30 pmMonday to Friday
Preparatory 29 am to 1:30 pmMonday to Friday
Grade 1 to 99 am to 3:55 pmMonday to Friday
Grades 1 to 99 am to 12:30 pmSaturday

Visiting hours for Parents.

School Office: 9 AM to 4.30 PM

Principal: 11 AM to 1.00 PM & 4 PM to 5.00 PM with prior appointment Monday to Friday

Teachers: 3.45 PM to 4.15 PM (Monday to Friday) with prior appointment.

School Uniform

It is mandatory for each student to wear the school uniform prescribed for each working day of the week according to the table given below


Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & FridayOrange T-Shirt & Dark blue shorts/skirtBlackBlack
WednesdayBlue T-Shirt & Dark blue shorts/skirtWhiteBlack

Grades – 1 to 9

MondayLight blue shirt, dark blue pant/pinafore, tie & blazerDark BlueBlack
TuesdayLight blue shirt, dark blue pant/pinafore, tie & blazerBlackBlack
WednesdayHouse UniformBlackBlack
ThursdayLight blue shirt, dark blue pant/pinafore, tie & blazerDark BlueBlack
FridayLight blue shirt, dark blue pant/pinafore, tie & blazer



SaturdayWhite UniformWhiteWhite
  • Students must be attired in neat & clean uniform, socks and well-polished shoes.

  • Students are allowed to wear color dresses on special celebration days about which parents will be notified. They can wear traditional Indian or Formal Western wear on their birthdays. They will not be allowed to wear fancy party wear, sleeveless, very short or tight dresses.

  • Students can wear colour dress on every second Saturday

Extra-Curricular Activities

Vidya Soudha Public School provides students a wide range of extracurricular activities and an opportunity for the fullest development as a whole person. Student life at VSPS is enriched with a variety of activities which help them to develop academically, spiritually, emotionally, morally, socially and physically.

The school offers facilities for cricket, football, basketball, skating, tennis, swimming, cricket and athletics in the sports arena. Yoga and Karate is also included in the curriculum itself.

The school is divided into four Houses named after some of the brightest stars in the universe. The house system is to promote a keen sense of loyalty and competition among the students.

House NameHouse Colour

School Policies

Rules & Regulations

  • A student must carry his/her Almanac to school every day with his/her photograph duly pasted and the identity information duly completed and signed by parents.
  • Students should be clean and neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn everyday and for all school functions. They must wear Identity Card every day.
  • It is compulsory for all students to attend the Morning Assembly at 9.00 am. Late comers will not be entertained. Students are expected to be regular and punctual in all activities of the school.
  • All students are expected to behave with utmost dignity and maintain discipline during school hours.
  • All leave other than for sudden illness must have prior permission of the Principal.
  • No leave will be granted to students on any of the days when there are important school functions and national festivals.
  • School Almanac must be brought to school every day, duly signed by the parents/guardian.
  • Each student is responsible for his/her own belongings. Care must be taken to label all materials sent to school. Before leaving the classroom, each child must check if he/she has picked up all the belongings. If a child has lost any articles in school, it must be brought to the notice of the class teacher immediately. If reported late, she will not be able to help.
  • No students may leave the school premises during school hours without the permission of the Principal.
  • Vandalizing school property, scribbling on walls & furniture, bringing Tabs, i pads, videogames, cell phones and any other electronic devices or toys to school is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Students have to adhere strictly to the rules and regulations of the school, failing which; they are liable for suspension or expulsion.
  • Parents can meet the class or subject teachers on days mentioned in the visiting hours page no.6
  • We value your feedback and would like to be your partners in charting your wards progress. We therefore encourage you to attend all the PTMs regularly, clarify doubts, give feedback and express grievances (if any).
  • Teachers at VSPS are approachable and are here to guide the students at all times.
  • If a student is absent due to illness, the class teacher must be notified immediately and a medical certificate should be sent along with the child when he comes back to school.
  • Any loss or damage to the school property caused by the student be made good by their parents/guardians.
  • A minimum of 85% attendance for each term is compulsory . Reason for any absence must be explained in a leave letter signed by the parents and an entry must be made in the leave record page in the Almanac with parents signature. For absence of three or more days, Principals permission must be taken. Medical certificate must be produced for sick leave.
  • Please send fresh, healthy & nutritious food for short break & lunch break in separate and hygienic boxes with a clean napkin and proper spoon/fork. Junk food and non-vegetarian food is not allowed in school.
  • You will be allowed to pick up your child either at 10.20 am or at 1.20 pm. We will not send the child with parents at other odd hours unless its an emergency.
  • ID cards will be issued to parents. Children will be sent along with parent/guardian only if the ID card is produced. In any other exception, they must prior inform the office regarding the child pick up.
  • Parents must not call any teacher or van drivers for any matter concerning their children. They must call only the school office.
  • If parents wish to celebrate their wards birthday they can do so, by sending chocolates or sweets fortheir class. Please try to avoid cake cutting. If parents wish to distribute cake, they can do so by packing small pieces of cake separately (as per the class strength) & send. Parents are requested not to send gifts to teachers during their childrens birthdays (and on Teachers Day or on any other occasion). If they so desire, they can send light sweets or chocolates for their respective classmates only.
  • Parents must not make any kind of demands or requests to give special or lead roles to their children in any school activity. No child will be given a chance to perform solo as per the parents request. Selection of students to do any activity will be done in a fair manner considering only the suitability & talent and only the teacher in charge and the Principal will take decisions in these matters.
  • Students will not be held back in the school after school hours or sent home earlier without informing the parents through Almanac or a Circular. Parents must verify it from the office immediately if any student reaches home late or early, when there is no such message or circular.
  • Parents must plan their summer vacation accordingly if their ward has been referred for Bridge Course.
  • Parents are requested to go through the Internal assessment Timetable carefully and plan their holidays. If any changes are there in the timetable they will be informed prior.
  • Children should not be sent to school when they have fever or other physical ailments even during tests or examinations. Students who are having fever and are sent to attend the exam will not be encouraged and will not be allowed to sit for the exam next day too. Under any circumstances, re-examinations will not be conducted for any student.
PERIODIC TEST 4(PT 4) January / February
  • The assessment will be based on CCE as prescribed. CCE means Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. Under this evaluation the alround development of the childs personality is assessed under scholastic area that includes curricular areas or subject specific areas and Co-Scholastic areas that includes Life Skills that consists of Self awareness, problem solving. Work education, visual and performing arts, attitudes and values, Co – Curricular activities arts, attitudes and values, Co – Curricular activities, health and physical activities.

  • Part 1 consists of scholastic areas and the assessment is done informally and formality using multiple techniques of evaluation continually and periodically.

  • There will be two terms. The first term will be from April-September and the second term from October-March of the subsequent year.

  • Each term will have two Formative and one summative Assessment.

  • Formative assessment is carried out during the course of instruction using different tools like Pen-Pencil test, project works, assignment, assessment of C.W. and H.W. group discussions, quizzes, presentations, etc.

  • FA 1 and FA2 will be done simultaneously from June to August.

  • FA 3 and FA 4 will be done simultaneously from October to February.

  • Every student must possess his/ her Library Card while making use of the Library facility and produce the same to the Library Staff. On entering the Library, strict discipline must be maintained.

  • Reference material should not be taken outside the Library.

  • Newspapers and Periodicals are issued against Library cards for reading in the library. Journals will be issued for current reading in the Library only.

  • When books are issued, students should check the pages of the issued books and if pages are found missing, they should report the same to the Librarian before leaving the counter.

  • Students are required to handle books and reading material very carefully. Marking Library books with pencil or ink, tearing the pages or spoiling the same in any other way will be viewed very seriously.

  • In case of returning the book after the due date the following applies:
    • First week after the due date: Rs. 10/- per day

    • For second week after the due date: Rs. 20/- per day

    • Beyond 15 days, the borrower will have to pay the cost of the book along with fine.

  • In case a reader loses a book he/she should replace the book. In case the book cannot be replaced; the current price of the book will be paid by the borrower.
  • A No Due Certificate for each student is to be obtained from the Librarian while withdrawing any student from the school.

 InstallmentLast Date
AAdmission FeesAt the time of Admission
BAnnual FeeFirst 10th June
Second 10th September
Third 10th December
CTransportation FeeFirst 10th July
Second 10th December
  • Come prepared with the theory and manipulation of the experiment.

  • Follow the instructions given by the Teacher and Lab- in – Charge.

  • Be responsible for any breakage or loss of item needed by you.

  • Report any breakage or loss immediately to the Teacher or Lab- in – Charge

  • A No Due Certificate for each student is to be obtained from the Lab- in – Charge while withdrawing any student from the school.

  • Students will use the computers only under the supervision of Teachers.


  • No students will be allowed to store games, pictures, movies of any kind or any other inappropriate material in the local hard disc.


  • Students are not allowed to interfere with any type of hardware connections of the computer network.

  • The transport fee is graded and will vary from point to point depending on the kms.
  • The school does not take the responsibility for the loss of lunchbox, school bag or any article. So we encourage you to label articles so that it is easy for us to find it.
  • When there is a change in residence, the school has every right to discontinue the transport facility to the student using it, if the pickup point does not fall within the reach of the regular route followed.
  • Advanced information of change in residential address to be forwarded to school office.
  • Do abide by the rules mentioned below while boarding and alight rug the bus.
  • Board the bus in a queue and occupy your seats allotted.
  • Maintain cleanliness and discipline.
  • Dont scream or converse loudly, it may distract drivers attention .
  • The attendant/escort for your child at the bus stop should be fixed and identifiable by your child. The escort must carry letter/photo, which can be produced on demand.
  • The driver has the instructions to wait for only 2 minutes dropping your child home. In case there is no pick up, the child will be brought back to the school and the parents would have to collect from the school on their own.

Contact Us

Vidya Soudha Public School, Hassan

Address: Plot No 563/A, KIADB Growth Centre, H.N. Pura Road, Hassan – 573 201


Phone: 08172 243533/44,  +91 9964729844

Office: 9 am to 5 pm

Quick Enquiry for Vidya Soudha Public School, Hassan

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