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Vidya Soudha Kids, KR Puram Hassan


Environmental Science topics are made interesting through hands-on-activities. Vidya Soudha Kids, K R Puram Branch conducted Market Day as reinforcement to the July month theme ‘Plant” – on Wednesday, July 20, 2022. Each child brought a fruit and a vegetable which was displayed in a creative way by the Teachers.

Children had a fun filled experience of selling and buying vegetables and fruits from their peers. Some students came dressed as Fruit and Vegetable seller to show their respect and gratitude for the people who make our living comfortable. Some students dressed themselves as fruit and vegetable.

Our Center Head explained our tiny tots about the importance and consumption of fruits and vegetables in regular diet and also about the taste, smell, colour and texture of each fruit and vegetable. All children happily sang Fruit and Vegetable Rhyme.

It created a positive learning environment which provided our students an amazing experience and they could connect this activity to the real-life experience. Thus activity inculcated the feeling of gratitude towards our Farmers & community helpers!!!

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