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Learning with fun, teaching with dedication & caring with love are the key appreciable success factor pf VSPS. If I have to pen down the most memorable & proud moments at VSPS as a parent for last one year, starting with orientation programme, rhymes carnival, annual day, Dussehra celebration, Fun-a-thon, the list is quite long.” It takes a big heart to shape a little mind” thanks to the lovely teacher & coordinators for shaping every kid as o unique individual by understanding them deeply. At VSPS, every day is a new learning filled with more fun & specifically designed activities for kids. Colour rhymes, field visits, splash pool, leap start, creativity improving competition, phonics teaching (to the parents as well), regular PTMs- all are worth of a mention.

The curriculum is not only well balanced between academic & co-curricular activities, it also inculcates the cultural values in students through celebrations like Father’s Day, grandparent’s day & every festival with its own significance. Last but not the least, thanks to Principal & the management for making the parents visualize exactly what was communicated in the orientation program.

Shanmugapriya Prasanna
P. Kaahinisree
Prep-1 A, VSPS

Thank you!

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