The world is a canvas for your imagination. You are the painter. There are NO RULES, Get to WORK.

A teacher makes a great impact on the learning curiosity of a child. Imagination is one of the tools that can open up the windows of creativity. Do all of us imagine? Yes. Because it makes us feel good and bingo, none can interrupt our area of imagination. Allow kids to imagine & explore themselves. It really soothes their mind, body & soul. Everyday allow them for 10 minutes to close their eyes, shut the doors of the outside world & imagine beautiful things. It is not meditation but allowing our mind to flow in the direction that we want to cherish and come out of our pensive mood.

When a teacher explains a concept, the magic of the words should bring transition in the child. It can create an aura of positiveness to imagine in a jocund way.

‘Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations , our possibilities become limitless’



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