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Help our students recognize their skills; build confidence

We humans are not only the most intelligent creatures on the earth but the most blessed and beautiful ones too. Every individual self is blessed with special skills. Some are able to identify it at an early age while some never recognize it at all. But it is a fact that every one of us is skilled. People tend to set targets, big or small, and want to accomplish them. It is good to be a goal setter but at the same time proper planning is needed to execute it. Remember, you don’t have to be someone special to achieve something amazing. You have got to have a dream, believe in it and work hard.

As teachers, as educationists, as a principal, we come across students who are capable of doing things on their own. Some need that extra push and some just don’t want to do anything. So how do we teach them to believe in themselves? Set very small goals for them so that they can taste success without much effort. Appreciate and acknowledge their achievements, how so ever small it might be. This will motivate them to try something more challenging. For example, give them small activities to learn and see the confidence it builds in them, and then involved them in seminars for 2 minutes. It definitely needs a lot of patience from our end but continuous monitoring and mentoring will bring desirable results.

The pandemic specially has thrown a lot of challenges in front of us but we remain undeterred in terms of our commitment. We have all successfully adopted and adapted the new technological trend in teaching though in the beginning we had some apprehensions and inhibitions. But today we are very well equipped with our tools and strategies to enter the teaching learning arena of the 21st century.

Of course, the personal touch is missing but we have seen the smile of the students eagerly waiting for their teacher to appear on the screen, keen to share their plate of knowledge with others. They have learnt the value of teachers because they have missed their teachers. Let us make everything possible in its own way, motivating our young minds and instilling the confidence in them. Let them yearn to learn more and long to come back to their second home.

Dream it with all your mind.

Believe it with all your heart.

Achieve it with all your might.

Dedicated to all the wonderful teachers, loving students and supportive parents.

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