Vidya Soudha Public School, Bengaluru, celebrated the 78th Independence Day with great enthusiasm and patriotic fervour. The event commenced with the arrival of the Chief Guest Retd. Col. Pradeep Kumar T R and dignitaries, followed by the flag hoisting ceremony and the singing of the National Anthem. A spectacular march past parade by the students was awe-inspiring.
The program featured a variety of performances, beginning with a welcome address by the Principal, an invocation dance, and the song “Land of Promise and Light” performed by the students. A member of the School Management Committee (SMC) delivered a speech on the importance of Independence Day, followed by a dance tribute to Bhagat Singh by students from Grades 3 and 4.
The celebration continued with a dance commemorating Kargil Vijay Diwas by students from Grades 6 to 8, and an address by the Chief Guest appreciating the students and instilling them with feeling of pride and patriotism. A skit presented by students from Grades 5 to 7 highlighted the significance of the day, followed by an address by the Chairman. The celebration concluded with the prize distribution and a vote of thanks from the Vice Principal.
The program successfully instilled a sense of national pride in everyone. It ended with a resounding rendition of “Vande Mataram.”