First Aid And Basic Life Support Workshop-2019

Stimulating First aid Safety Skills amongst Vspsians “One act of pure love in saving life is greater than spending the whole of one’s time in religious offerings to the gods.”Gautama Buddha Unpleasant though it may be, the fact remains that accidents happen. It’s a must for students to learn the first aid basics such as CPR (Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation) , handling bleeding and choking, and be ready to encounter all kinds of risk starting from minor incidents to major emergencies. Keeping this in mind we at, Vidya Soudha Public School provided a platform for our highschool students to attend a workshop on First Aid and Basic Life Support technique which was organised by People’s Tree Foundation.The workshop imparted knowledge of commonly occurring situations in our day to day life. It also gave an opportunity  for students to understand basic principles of First aid including common illness and injuries. Students gained hands- on practice on student friendly manikins for the Basic Life Support [ BLS]. The workshop was comprised of 4 workstations which was lead by  Dr. Supraja Chandrasekhar – Chief-PEOPLE TREE Paediatrics and the team of enthusiastic doctors. They explained about common medical emergencies and surgical emergencies or common injuries.This was followed by an interactive & fun Team Quiz. A Pre Test and a Post Test  was also conducted to determine the retention from session. 

This short work shop  was definitely a great success as it empowered our students  to be responsible to handle medical emergencies and save lives.

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