Investiture Ceremony-2019

“Students of today are the visionaries and the torch bearers of tomorrow”.

The investiture ceremony is a solemn occasion where the young students are all prepared to don the mantle of leadership and discharge the responsibilities entrusted upon them.

The investiture ceremony of VSPS, for the academic year 2019 – 20 was held on 06-07-2019 at the school auditorium with a high degree of passion and fervor.

The event was presided over by our honorable Chairman- Dr.Manje Gowda, Principal – Ms.Padma Shree and the trustee members. The dignitaries present took the Guard of Honour. The student council members administered their oath and were bestowed with badges and sashes. The  school council members of the entire school pledged to work solemnly. The Head boy Mr.Bhargav.N and Head girl Riya Jalan shared their thoughts in their speech upon taking up their valued responsibility.

The office bearers were encouraged by an inspirational speech by our Chairman Dr.Manje Gowda who emphasized on leadership and the need to have social and environmental awareness.

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