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Our Curriculum provides a stress-free learning environment to develop competence and confidence in children which empowers them to thrive in the competitive world.

Classes:Eligibility (Age Criteria)
Primary- Grade 16+ years as on 1st June of the academic year

Achieving academic excellence in students reflects a demonstrated ability of every teacher. Excellence in academics is the hall mark of any institution; it is proved in our school without any doubt. Keeping this in mind, VSPS, Vijayanagar focuses more on academic development of every child. Academic development helps the students to grow personally, socially and emotionally. To build a strong academic foundation for students, we have implemented many strategies.

We start our day by conducting assembly. Morning assembly is meant to fulfill the purpose of conventional gathering. Assembly activities are Morning Prayer, news reading, thought for the day, new word. Children will perform skit and speak about some important topics which is useful to develop their communication skills and creativity.

VSPS is committed to provide an outstanding education to students to become the leaders of tomorrow. As a teacher, it is necessary to motivate students and help them to recognize their strengths and weaknesses and make them strong in academics. So we give more importance to classroom activities. First and foremost, importance is given to reading and writing.

To make learning interesting, we are following the concepts of role-play, audio visual aids and flashcards. These make learning interesting and help to improve vocabulary and speaking skills. Remedial teaching is also assigned to assist the slow learners. Tests and exams are formal ways to check the learning experience of the child. So we are conducting 4 periodic tests and one term exam and one final exam.

Extra-Curricular Activities are correlated with academic skills. To conduct extracurricular activities, we have divided our students into different houses and clubs. These houses are named as Agni, Jal, Akash and Pruthvi. We have conducted many Inter-house competitions like science quiz, clay modeling, bulletin board decoration on the occasion of Independence Day and Kannada Rajyotsava Day. Through clubs, we have conducted different subject enrichment and skill developing activities to develop the child physically, morally, socially and mentally.

Literary club conducted competitions in essay writing, poem recitation, skit, elocution to develop their L S R W. Sports and fitness helps to increase the physical and mental strength of the children. Sports activities build team spirit and analytical thinking and develop motor coordination. Varieties of sports and games are introduced in their regular P.E. Periods and students participate and enjoy the games. Science and Maths club promotes an interest in trying out new experiments.

The main objective of these houses and clubs is to build healthy competition among the students and improve overall development of the child. These houses and clubs are managed by students and teachers as house captain and club prefects.

Celebration of festivals, events and conducting of field trips, annual day and other programmes play an integral part of first hand learning experience and also helps in academic development of the child.

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An ocean of fun & learning which makes school an enthralling experience!!!At VSPS children are nurtured & cared bringing the best out in them....

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Vidya Soudha Public School Vijayanagar, Hassan

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